Last weekend the boys took a road trip to Des Moines to meet both set grandparents and Aunt Rachel and Uncle Kyle. The destination is exactly half way from SD to IL……such a short drive in comparison to the full trip!! The boys did not sleep much on the way there, but luckily did pretty good in their respective pack-n-plays at night. We were gone for just the weekend, and yet the entire back end of the Explorer was full of ‘stuff.' Really, do they need that much stuff?!! One of us sat between the boys while the other drove – even the passenger’s seat up front was filled. Yes, your math is correct: no room for another child!
Our family was SO excited to see the boys. They say they were excited to see Nathan and I, too, but we were last on the list for hugs! The weekend was very relaxing---yes---I did say relaxing although I was in charge of twin 5 month olds! We really had minimal plans except for shopping- I didn’t have to cook or clean and I just knocked on the wall in the morning when Jaden was up and looking for someone to share his smiles with.
Evan and Jaden loved every minute of the constant attention! They even got to go swimming for the first time! (I’ll post pictures of that experience soon.) They slept almost the entire way home. Looks like we’ve started a great midwinter break tradition!