For several years, our youth pastor has asked Nathan to chaperone a high school mission trip (Work Camp) and Nathan answered, ‘yes, when we have a baby in diapers, I will chaperone!’ Being the responsible youth pastor, I was asked first if it was okay for Nathan to go, since there were two babies in diapers! Nathan kept his word and went along on the 9-day trip while I took the boys back to South Dakota. The next series of blog posts describe our adventures!
By the Numbers
2114 – Miles driven during the two week adventure (we won’t calculate the gallons of gas this took!!)
21 – days Evan was gone from home
284 – diapers packed and used
1 – tooth the boys left Illinois with
3 – teeth the boys returned with
40 – minutes for a roadside stop complete with diaper change, gas in the vehicle, bathroom break, caffeine purchase, boys fed.
3 – number of stops needed between Illinois and South Dakota
7 – times swimming in their new mini backyard pool
158 – block towers destroyed by Jaden
5 – clowns the boys saw in the 4th of July parade
5 – clowns that scared Jaden to tears
1 – quart of yogurt consumed (their first)
8 – containers of puffs consumed
3 – summer birthdays celebrated: Grandma Pam, Aunt Laurie, Aunt Rachel
Not to sound cliché, but in the words of Grandpa Al: the time with family & friends = priceless.
Evan eating puffs with Aunt Rachel
The boys swimming in their new pool.
The boys at the start of the 4th of July parade.