As a follow-up to the last post about Kylie’s baptism,
here is a picture of Kylie’s baptismal gown made by Grandma Pam! This picture
doesn’t do the dress justice, as there is so much detail with lace from both
Grandma Linda and Grandma Pam’s wedding veils. Also, Kylie’s headband is made
from the wedding veil lace and a button in the center from Grandpa
Chris’ dress shirts.
The month of May marked the start of summer for us! The semester ended and the boys started their summer school at ISU while Kylie started everyday (half days) at daycare. As for me, I started fitting in some early morning running - it feels great to get into a routine, but I also end up drinking coffee a lot more (and I'm still exhausted in the evenings!) Some highlights from May:
The boys are LOVING playing outside. Jaden cannot get enough of the bubble machine, and Evan works on re-landscaping our backyard- moving rocks from one area to the other. Where is he when there is real work to be done?!
I spent a delightful morning with these adorable ladies and their mommies! Say hi to:
Lainey- 4 weeks; Aria- 5 weeks; Kylie- 12 weeks; Cora- 19 weeks
This is going to be one fun youth group to lead in 14 years!

Kylie started smiling this month! It makes those mid-night feedings all worth it!
Cousin Elliot came to visit the end of May. The boys had a blast swimming and playing. We had planned to visit Chicago on Saturday, but because of the cold rain we opted for a day at the Children's Museum - complete with an indoor picnic lunch.
It is amazing to watch the boys grow, learn and get so excited for the little things in life; and to watch Kylie become more alert and interactive. However, after a long day, it is equally as amazing to watch these little ones sleep:)