Evan and Jaden could not have been more excited to start Kindergarten! It wasn't until a couple days before school started that we knew for sure they would be in separate classes. Evan had tears in his eyes, but then was excited about making new friends. The night before school started, the school had an open house to drop off school supplies. I should have taken a picture of my cart at Target! 3 or 4 boxes of everything, times two, times 17 items!
Evan is in Ms. Armstrong's class with 21 kiddos and a couple hamsters!
Jaden is in Ms. Mandros' class with 21 kiddos and a back door that connects to Evan's classroom!
Their school drop off is from 7:30-7:40am. If you have seen our house in the morning......at 7:30am Evan is usually still sleeping, Kylie recently got up, I just returned from working out, and Nathan is walking out the door for work. Clearly, we are working on a new routine!
The first day we parked and walked with them to find their kindergarten line. At 7:40 the lines of students walked inside from 5th grade until K. Then they divided the kindergarteners into their class lines and told the kids to wave to their loved ones that brought them. Everyone else waved to their parents, while Evan and Jaden turned to each other and waved:) Kylie was the only was who cried on the way back to the car!

The first day went great, although I am learning I really have TWO kindergarteners. It was kind of perviously 1.5 as they are like a packaged deal. I previously took them together to daycare, and then together to preschool, and now I have two separate classrooms to figure out all the policies and procedures. For example, Evan's teacher passed out certificates for the first day of school; Jaden's did not. Jaden gets to bring in non-food treats for his birthday; Evan does not. Library books are due Friday for Evan; Tuesday for Jaden. Jaden's class has rest time; Evan's does not. I will hear a story from one that he had art that day, the other one yells, 'No we didn't!' I hear this is only the start with siblings!
They do get to see each other lots throughout the day. After school the first day we celebrated with the biggest cones ever thanks to the summer reading program coupons they earned! Delicious!
I love to watch them interact together, but look forward to having them develop their independence and grow as individuals.