My brother and I finally made it to this far away land called South Dakota. I don’t remember the 710 mile drive to Grandma and Grandpa’s house because I slept for all of it and Evan was up for just 30 miles. I am guessing in another 2 years that drive is going to seem very very long!
Aunt Laurie came to stay the weekend with us and I made sure to get up really really early so mom would have to bring me upstairs so I could make coffee with Aunt Laurie and enjoy lots of attention. She watched us all day Saturday and I made sure Evan and I were really good while mom was in Sioux Falls.

In the afternoon Great Aunt Bondell and Great Uncle Chuck came to meet us. Evan and I decided to switch rolls a little this week so he slept almost the entire time during their visit and then I was the fussy one at night! Kind of fun to get all that extra evening attention!
Although our friend Nora didn’t want to play with boys, she did come over to meet us and got to ride in a red wagon all the way from her Grandma and Grandpa’s house on the other side of Harper Park. We walked with Nora and her sister Madeline to Lincoln Park. Can’t wait until Evan and I are old enough to play there. The side-by-side slides look like so much fun. I am sure I could beat Evan down them!
Looking forward to more South Dakota adventures this week! I heard we may even get to meet the cows!
I'm really glad that you boys got to meet so many new friends!!