Some may call me crazy – taking a 4-month old on a plane, by myself. I call it “vacation!!” Nathan and I both got to experience single parenting with just one child. Nathan’s reaction on Sunday, “This was not that bad!” Nathan picked who stayed home with him, and it ended up that we each had the best baby! Jaden slept until 7:40 for Nathan and Evan was such a great traveler for me.
Some things I learned while traveling with Evan:
1. It’s okay to ask for help. Most of the time I didn’t even have to ask, people were so gracious and just offered. Lifting the stroller up onto the airport parking shuttle bus was probably the task I needed the most help with.
2. Plan plenty of time for airport security. However I think this really only took two extra minutes. The security staff had me go in a family line. Evan was not happy with me at 7am since I had to take him out of his seat so I could carry him through as his stroller and seat had to be x-rayed.
3. You can take more than 3 ounces of breastmilk on a plane. I did not previously know this. They just do a fumes test with it to make sure it’s ‘safe’.
4. Have the baby well fed, rested, changed, and food ready while traveling. Wait, this is true for adults, too!5. Even only-children get fussy! Evan got a LOT of attention on this trip as we saw many friends in Minneapolis and made a quick trip to Sioux Falls to visit some family & friends. Since I didn’t have to split my time with Evan and Jaden, I thought Evan would never cry or fuss. I was wrong! Although he really was great, he did have his moments where I am sure he was screaming- mom, really? How much longer?!!
6. It’s amazing how much you can miss someone! I was very excited to come home and see Jaden……and Nathan, too, of course!

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