Friday, May 25, 2012

E-V-A-N --------Evan!

I. Am. Exhausted. No, I don’t think it’s from my day with Evan, but from recovery from go-go-go day with Jaden! Evan is our ‘cuddler.’ He and I both spoiled each other as we got to snuggle in the rocker before and after naptime. With two - there is rarely an opportunity for rocking! 

Since Evan is more reserved in the pool, I wanted to take him there by himself to give him a chance to swim. He was his usual calm self at first, but did kick around more in the end and splashed the water over and over with his hands. He loves to ‘jump’ in and out of the water.

We did get to spend a little time with brother Jaden and friend Mason. It was fun for me to see the three of them ‘play’ together. Of course their favorite game was ‘take each other’s pacifier!’ Interesting at an early age they want what the other person has……..

Evan also had some play time in the exer-saucer. Fun to see his face light up at all the characters, sounds, and lights.

We also enjoyed some one-on-one time rolling and Evan shared some of his precious giggles with me. Makes me really appreciate him and his brother so so much. 

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