With Evan and Jaden, I was very excited to start feeding them food. With Kylie, I was a little more hesitant. Not because I didn't want her to explore new foods.....because, let's be real, feeding a baby creates two things: more dishes to wash, and a messy highchair to clean:) Reality aside, around 6 months of age, Kylie started to eat foods like rice cereal and green veggies. I tried to stick with a similar schedule as I did with the boys. Green veggies first, next orange veggies, and then fruit. There really wasn't anything she disliked. Foods in pics: kiwi, pumpkin, puffs, corn, beets, mum mums.
When I texted my friend Brooke about all the pumpkin.....she came right over with a solution for freezing. This Infantino squeeze pouch filler was so easy to use. We made just plain pumpkin and some peaches, pumpkin and banana concoction.
Grandpa Al grew pumpkins this year. I baked one of them, and instead of making pumpkin pie, I made some tasty babyfood!
The baby bullet helped puree the pumpkin. Kylie got to have some sensory fun playing with the pumpkin seeds!
When I texted my friend Brooke about all the pumpkin.....she came right over with a solution for freezing. This Infantino squeeze pouch filler was so easy to use. We made just plain pumpkin and some peaches, pumpkin and banana concoction.
The 4-ounce pouches froze until we needed them. The portability of the pouch is so handy. Around 9 months, she was able to easily 'drink' from the pouch which makes it less messy to feed her on-the-go.
At a later date, Brooke and I made a variety of recipes for the fruit and veggie pouches- which even included some oatmeal and flax seed!

Kylie waiting 'patiently' to taste test.
Around 9 months she started babyfood meat, yogurt, and self-feeding our table food. The picture on the left is from my birthday- who would have imagined a picnic in December?! The picture on the right is Kylie's first treat of a graham cracker at Grandma Linda's.
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