Ever since our tree went up (Thanks family for helping with that over Thanksgiving weekend!) the boys have loved to look at the lights on the tree. Lights and ceiling fans could keep the boys entertained for hours!

We are lucky that this year we do not have to travel over the holidays. Although the weather looks perfect for the long car ride. Nathan’s parents will be visiting over the Christmas weekend, and my family will come for New Year’s weekend. As we celebrate our first Christmas with the boys, I am interested to know what your family traditions are? From games to gifts to food, each family seems to have something special that they look forward to each year. Leave me a comment with your traditions, and/or what you do to make the Holidays a special time for kids!
Mrs. Claus brings us pajama's on Christmas Eve. Not as exciting for Infants/Toddlers but it was so fun growing up and hearing the doorbell ring knowing that there was a package out front. Usually happened after getting home from church... I still wonder how she rang the doorbell and got away so fast! :) She of course left us a note that said Santa was shortly behind her and to go to bed so he could visit! So sneaky! ;)