Yes. Again.
Mid November, at the end of our travels in South Dakota, Nathan got strep throat. So this is a hardy strain of strep. Three days later, I got it. And 5 days after my meds were gone (3 days after S.D. relatives left after Thanksgiving) I got it again. 3 days later, Nathan. 2 days later our friend and day care provider (who we did hang out with before Nathan knew he was getting it) got it. And now again, I tested positive, 5 days after my meds ran out……but trying to think of where I got it from----I was not really in contact with anyone this past weekend.
I share all of that and then note that our pediatrician tells us over and over that babies can’t get strep. Well, last week, Jaden developed a bad rash. It almost looked too gross to be called a ‘rash’…..but we’ll go with that! And the statin (antifungal) cream wasn’t doing anything. The day I found out I had strep again, I asked for an antibiotic for Jaden instead of the cream. He loves the amoxicillin and the day after he started the antibiotic, his rash is improving! Yeah! We are going to get more antibiotics for Evan – because if he doesn’t have this yet, he will!
There is still a mystery to our strep carrier. I have Lysoled and Cloroxed wiped everything down….three times. We don’t have a cat or a dog (I guess some can be carriers). The babies are the only true common thread in all three cases. Please post any other ideas you have regarding finding the carrier!
Luckily, Jaden and Evan have been sleeping well, eating well, and showing off their smiles!

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